What is a landscape plan?

Landscape Panning as an additional condition of planning permission often requested by local authorities. A landscape plan gives full descriptions of location, species and sizes of the proposed planting on exposed boundaries and can also feature information on maintenance on lawn areas, trees and hedging.

The primary goal of a landscape plan is to ensure that the new development blends into the surrounding area. Check out our blog - What is a landscape plan?

Why would I need a landscape plan?

Your local authority could ask you to submit a separate landscape plan for planning permission depending on the area of construction.For planning purposes, it is important to illustrate how the development or building will blend into the area and what landscape features are required to ensure this occurs.

Check out our blog - Why would I need a landscape plan?

Do I need to schedule a site visit?

Yes . Site visit is essential in most cases. We visit the site in order to analyse the existing topography and the trees, hedging, and vegetation on the site.

Can I pick the types of tree & hedging used?

Yes, as long as it is native and it is suitable for the site.

What is the best way to contact LandscapePlanning.ie?

You can contact us via phone, email or by simply filling out our inquiry form at contact us page.

Does it cost to request a quote?

Requesting a quote is completely free of charge.

What information do I need before I request a quote?

A copy of your further information request letter for the local authority and location.

How long does it take a landscape plan to be completed?

Normally within 7 working days depending on the site location and the amount of work entailed in order to complete the plan.